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List of China GACC Approved Oversea Exporter
(GACC-2-1 Type Registration of General Oversea Exporter) 


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On 13 August 2024, GACC (General Administration of Customs of China) issued Announcement No. 105 of 2024, ‘ Announcement on Matters Relating to the Filing Function of Importers and Exporters of Imported Foods’,

GACC No. 105 Announcement state that the Former AQSIQ 11-digits registration number of overseas exporters of imported foods will be abolished on 5 September 2024; GACC will issue New 18-digits registration number for overseas exporters of imported foods, which will be used for China Customs clearance process.

Overseas exporters need to updade old 11-digits AQSIQ registration number to new 18-digits GACC registration number  ASAP to avoid affecting their products exported to China!

According to Announcement No. 105, the GACC registration for foreign exporters has to be applied through a CRA (Chinese Representative Agency).
GACC-1 Overseas Producers          GACC-2-1 Overseas Exporters         GACC-3-1 Chinese Importers    AQSIQ Overseas Producers (Abolished in 2018)
NOTE:Only with GACC-2-1 type general exporter registration number, can't export to China,
Both producers and products must have GACC registration numbers too, with these 3 type GACC registrations, then can export to China.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
GACC Registration Number Registration Types Company Name Country Issued Year Inactive Date Status Update to
72421000357 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ANDALUZA DE MIELES S.L 西班牙(Spain) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
56621000044 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. goodwin ceramic fze. 尼日利亚(Nigeria) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000296 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Yangzhou Organic CO,Ltd 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
34421000750 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. HK ZHONGDUO TRADE LIMITED 中国香港(Hong Kong(CHINA)) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
61621000049 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. CON-TRADE. MN Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. 波兰(Poland) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
72421000066 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Bodegas Leganza S.A.U 西班牙(Spain) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000128 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. NATUREDAY NEW ZEALAND LIMITED 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
72421000356 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BODEGAS ALTANZA SA 西班牙(Spain) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
25021000532 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. CEZAC 法国(France) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
10421000185 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SAI THANTZIN COMPANY LIMITED 缅甸(Myanmar) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000491 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZIENDA SANTA BARBARA S.R.L 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000492 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Consorzio Historia AntiquaSoc.Agr.A.R.L 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
10421000192 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Zaw Gabar Family Co,Ltd 缅甸(Myanmar) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
26221000017 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. GREAT VISION GENERAL TRADING FZCO 吉布提(Djibouti) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
48421000079 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SCORPION MEZCAL SA DE CV 墨西哥(Mexico) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000176 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LIAN AZEMA CO 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
10421000174 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Zaw Gabar Family co,Ldt 缅甸(Myanmar) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
10421000173 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. THAN YAW ZIN MYITTAR COMPANY LIMITED 缅甸(Myanmar) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000489 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA TENUTE SELLA & MOSCA S.R.L.-SOCIETA' AGRICOLA 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
80421000047 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLC Zolotonosha butter-making combine 乌克兰(Ukraine) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
61621000048 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZTK group sp.zo.o. 波兰(Poland) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
23121000099 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. GREAT VISION GENERAL TRADING FZCO 埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64321000423 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLC «Mezheninovskaya Poultry Plant» 俄罗斯(Russia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000487 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ALESSI FIRENZE S.R.L. 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000119 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. 《XATIRCHI TOMORQA XIZMATI》LLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000125 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Fresh Produce Group N.Z. Limited 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
79221000143 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. MERKEZ FISTIK GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI 土耳其(Turkey) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
25021000520 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. 118 bd Crozet mansard 69460 Le Perreon France 法国(France) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78821000005 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Zights International 突尼斯(Tunisia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
35621000299 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. M/S. RIZWAN ICE & COLD STORAGE. UNIT II 印度(India) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000171 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. PAYA TEJARAT AFROUZ ARAS CO 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
73621000065 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RIKAZ FOR ADVANCED BUSINESS CO.,LTD 苏丹(Sudan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
15221000083 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. JV FROZEN SPA 智利(Chile) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000123 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Waitaki Biosciences, a division of Pharmazen Limited 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000122 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. 320 Port Hills Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch. New Zealand 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
11221000026 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Agrokombinat Nesvizhsky CJSC 白俄罗斯(Belarus) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000481 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZ.AGR.IL COLOMBAIO 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000168 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. HOJJAT FAKHRZAD 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
45021000025 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RAZAFIMIARAKA SAMUEL(SOAFIANATSA) 马达加斯加(Madagascar) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000111 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. OOO“SARDORBEK MAYIZLARI” 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78421000116 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SEMATICS APS FROZEN POULTRY TRADING L.L.C 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000109 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZIKIRILLO BARAKA TOMORQA XIZMATLARI LLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
25012000545 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. EARL Domaine Le Cazal 法国(France) 2012 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000131 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ABZI GOHAR NAAB MOTAF CO 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
39221000610 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Syuzenjitakitei Co.Ltd 日本(Japan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000287 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. TALAYSUP FREEZE DRY CO., LTD 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
41021000670 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZAIGLE CO., LTD. 韩国(Korea, Republic of) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000478 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZIENDA AGRICOLA GIACOMELLI 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000477 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Azienda Agricola Ca'Barun di Peter Thomsen 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000162 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ECONOMICS OF ARARAT FREE ZONE OF MAKU 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive

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