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China GACC Registration
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List of China GACC Approved Oversea Exporter
(GACC-2-1 Type Registration of General Oversea Exporter) 


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On 13 August 2024, GACC (General Administration of Customs of China) issued Announcement No. 105 of 2024, ‘ Announcement on Matters Relating to the Filing Function of Importers and Exporters of Imported Foods’,

GACC No. 105 Announcement state that the Former AQSIQ 11-digits registration number of overseas exporters of imported foods will be abolished on 5 September 2024; GACC will issue New 18-digits registration number for overseas exporters of imported foods, which will be used for China Customs clearance process.

Overseas exporters need to updade old 11-digits AQSIQ registration number to new 18-digits GACC registration number  ASAP to avoid affecting their products exported to China!

According to Announcement No. 105, the GACC registration for foreign exporters has to be applied through a CRA (Chinese Representative Agency).
GACC-1 Overseas Producers          GACC-2-1 Overseas Exporters         GACC-3-1 Chinese Importers    AQSIQ Overseas Producers (Abolished in 2018)
NOTE:Only with GACC-2-1 type general exporter registration number, can't export to China,
Both producers and products must have GACC registration numbers too, with these 3 type GACC registrations, then can export to China.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
GACC Registration Number Registration Types Company Name Country Issued Year Inactive Date Status Update to
84021000139 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RICHARD’S BRAZILIAN SAUSAGE LLC 美国(United States) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000125 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. TOLIDI BAZARGANI BELOK TEJARAT TAV 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000412 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RUSTICHELLA D‘ABRUZZO SPA 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000083 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. UZBEK-AGROTRANS SERVIS 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
41021000560 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. WIZMEDI CO.,LTD. 韩国(Korea, Republic of) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
37621000011 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZION WINERY LTD 以色列(Israel) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
15821000267 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZU chuan siang co., ltd 中国台湾(Taiwan(CHINA)) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
70221000164 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BEE ZOO PTE LTD 新加坡(Singapore) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
79221000107 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SEVKI OZBEK GIDA VE TARIM URUN TIC LTD STI 土耳其(Turkey) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000242 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZHONG YI INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000410 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Azienda Agricola Elisabetta 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000104 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Central honey NZ Ltd 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000081 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. NAZAR MOSH LLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
52821000075 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. A. van de Groep en Zonen B.V. 荷兰(Nether lands) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
70321000008 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. GOZO DRINKS TRADERS S.R.O., 斯洛伐克(Slovakia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78421000100 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RAJSON FZ LLC 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000409 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ACQUAVIVA S.P.A. SOCIETA BENEFIT Az. Unico 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
80721000006 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Vinarska vizba MILEV GD TIKVES eksport-import Dooel Kavadarci 马其顿(Macedonia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
79221000105 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. OZYIGITLER TEKSTIL IC VE DIS TIC.LTD.STI 土耳其(Turkey) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78421000101 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. WAFI AGRO COMMODITIES FZ-LLC 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000080 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLC《NAZARMOSH》 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
34821000017 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Aranyfurt Mezogazdasagi KFT 匈牙利(Hungary) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000239 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SiamFoodzie company limited 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
03621000242 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZANTONG CULTURE PTY LTD 澳大利亚(Australia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000238 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SIAM FOOZIE COMPANY LIMITED 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
17021000027 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. TAZA DE ORIGEN SAS 哥伦比亚(Colombia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
39221000505 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. KYOTO SHUZO CO.,LTD 日本(Japan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64321000330 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLP zhonglianhaitong 俄罗斯(Russia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
60421000036 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. FERNANDEZ S.A.C. 秘鲁(Peru) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
34421000598 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. JINGZHEN TRADING CO., LIMITED 中国香港(Hong Kong(CHINA)) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
25021000380 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Jean Christophe JEZEQUEL 法国(France) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64321000327 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLC Consolidated Penza distilleries 俄罗斯(Russia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
58621000063 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ROZI INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD 巴基斯坦(Pakistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000122 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Bousher Abzi Frayand 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
79221000102 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ARMAS FOOD GIDA PAZARLAMA IHRACAT ITHALAT A.S. 土耳其(Turkey) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000100 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. NZBC EXPORT LIMITED 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64321000324 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AGRO-SOYUZ OOO 俄罗斯(Russia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76421000231 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. RAYONG FROZEN DURIAN PROCESSING COMPANY LIMITED 泰国(Thailand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000077 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. OOO PARKENT UZUMI 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000076 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. QO‘SHKO‘PIR TAMORQA XIZMAT LLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000074 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZARKENT GOLD FRUITS EXPORT LLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
84021000333 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. INTERTRADERONE LLCZ 美国(United States) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86021000071 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. QAMASHI MUQADDAS ZAMIN SERVISLLC 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55421000098 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. New Origin NZ Ltd 新西兰(New Zealand) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000401 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. De’Ricci Cantine Storiche di Enrico Trabalzini 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64321000323 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. JSC "AGENCY SELKHOZKORMA" 俄罗斯(Russia) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38021000397 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. DE VESCOVI ULZBACH 意大利(Italy) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78421000098 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AIMZ INTERNATIONAL FZE 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
79221000101 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BOZHUYUK FISTIKCILIK-ERTUGRUL BOZHUYUK 土耳其(Turkey) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36421000117 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. EGBAL TEJARAT KHAZAR 伊朗(Iran) 2021 5-Sep-2024 Inactive

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