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China Foods Formula Ingredients Analysis System  

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National food catalogues of traditional trade & meet the requirements of export to China


For some "Risky  food" Categories, , GACC needs to conduct a ‘National System Assessment’ for the country of origin, and only after complying with China's regulatory requirements, then sign a bilateral protocol with the country of origin, to allow food types that listed in the catalog to be imported into China, which is the so-called "GACC National White List for Risky Food" ;

National System Assessment: It refers to the evaluation activities of the food safety management system of countries (regions) applying for export of this type of food to China by the GACC before a certain type (species) of food is exported to China for the first time.

The GACC will dynamically adjust this  "GACC National White List for Risky Food"  based on the evaluation and review results. Currently, this National food catalogues includes 9 categories: Meat (deer products, horse products, cattle products, poultry products, sheep products, pig products) (except offal and by-products), Dairy products, aquatic products, bird’s nest, casings, Food of Plant Origin, Chinese medicinal materials, bee products, and Feed products.
Similarly, overseas enterprises that produce and export these "high-risk" food categories need to establish a food quality management system that meets the requirements of China's corresponding food category regulations (such as GMP or HACCP, etc.), shall be Reviewed, Endorsed and recommended by the competent authorities of their countries/regions to GACC for registration, after GACC review or Site-audit, If qualified, list into the "List of GACC Qualified overseas  enterprises exporting to China", commonly known as the "GACC Company White List for Risky Food"

Country filter 国家筛选:
Product Name Country Status Category
Fresh or chilled carrots鲜或冷藏的胡萝卜 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
Fresh or chilled cauliflower鲜或冷藏的花椰菜 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
Soybean meal (fermented and expanded soybean meal)豆粕(发酵膨化豆粕) Taiwan, China Feed Feed
Fresh or chilled kale鲜或冷藏羽衣甘蓝 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
Shrimp feed (only aquatic animal-derived ingredients)虾饲料(仅含水产动物源性成份) Taiwan, China Feed Feed
Fish feed (without ruminant-derived ingredients)鱼饲料(不含反刍动物源性成分)? Taiwan, China Feed Feed
Pig feed (contains only milk-derived animal ingredients)猪饲料(仅含乳源性动物成分)? Taiwan, China Feed Feed
Honey蜂蜜 Taiwan, China Active Bee products
Propolis蜂胶 Taiwan, China Active Bee products
黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares [冰鲜] Taiwan, China Active Aquatic products
brown rice糙米 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
黑芝麻(芝麻)SESAMI SEMEN NIGRUM Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
胡椒PIPERIS FRUCTUS Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
Rice noodles大米粉 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
灵芝GANODERMA Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
龙眼肉(龙眼干、桂圆)LONGAN ARILLUS Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
其他鲜或干人参GINSENG RADIX ET RHIZOMA Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
Barley薏米 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
broken rice碎米 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
鲜或干的菊花CHRYSANTHEMI FLOS Taiwan, China Active Traditional Chinese medicine materials
Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled鲜或冷藏的抱子甘蓝 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
Polished rice精米 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
black pepper胡椒 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
raisin葡萄干 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin
Dried prunes, dried plums, dried cherries梅干、李干、樱桃干 Taiwan, China Active Foodstuffs of Plant Origin

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