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China GACC Registration
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List of China GACC Approved Oversea Exporter(GACC-2-1 type) 


Apply GACC Registration Online

1. If you find out your enterprise has multiple GACC-2-1 registration numbers, and you did not register them by yourself, then these GACC registration numbers were registered in the old AQSIQ system by the previous importers without your authorization , and the GACC will clean up these duplicate AQSIQ Registration Number in the future ;

2.The AQSIQ has been abolished in 2018. The old AQSIQ registration number for manufacturer and exporter have been invalidated after 2022;

3. From 2022, the GACC-1 producer registration numbers have upgraded to 18 digits ( e.g. CTHA 24022110201234 ) , the previous letter is the country code, the new 18-digit GACC registration number needs to be printed on the Chinese label of imported food .

GACC-1 Overseas Producers          GACC-2-1 Overseas Exporters         GACC-3-1 Chinese Importers    AQSIQ Overseas Producers (Abolished in 2018)
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
AQSIQ Record Number Manufacturer Name Address Country Status Canceled year Update to
GACC number
9478150006 Tichit 6 (Ets Cherif hamahallah) SAMA PECHE ISSEMOU O. ISSAMOURY Tél: 45740940 Fax: 45740941 BP:119 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150054 MAH EL TURK Sarl Mehmet Emin Kayak Tel: (222) 22 68 55 52 Fax: (222) 20 83 8950 Fax : (222) 20 83 8950 Bountiya N° 10 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150058 Ets El Mamy Mohamed El Mamy O. Abdel Aziz Tél:45748434 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150056 Timiris 1 SAHEL PECHE Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax : 45745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150039 Babel Khair 3 SMCRP Tél: 45745086 Fax:45745121 BP : 150 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150007 Arpeco 1 (Arpeco) MACCOP ELY O TOLBA ELY O.TOLBA Tél:45745 287 Fax:45745 287 BP:292 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150055 Ismail 8 (MCP) Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150057 Tichit 1 (Ets Cherif Hamahallah) SAMA PECHE ISSEMOU O. ISSAMOURY Tél: 45740940 Fax: 45740941 BP:119 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150008 Sppam Frigo Plage des pêcheurs, Nouakchott Mauritanie Tél : 00222 45241687/ 22030503 BP : 427 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150042 ETS I.T.P sa Plage des pêcheurs, Lot N°40, Zone Industrielle N°26 NIF. 20200067 Tél : 00222 46413698/ 45240663 BP : 5544 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150059 Agmaco Frigo Mohamed O. Limam O. Ouleida Tél:45745186 Fax:45745715 BP:72 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150060 MCP YahfedouO.Brahim Tél:45745 937 Fax:45745 163 BP:404 MCP FRIGO 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150061 Messoud 1 (Mizane SA) SPC MOHAMED OULD KERKOUB Tél: 45749140 Fax:45749140 BP : 30 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150093 Ismail 5 (MCP) Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150095 P.P.A Sid’Ahmed O. Ely Tél:45748812 Fax: 45748813 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150096 ADRAR PECHE GAP Tél: 45291616 BP :150 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150097 Sahel 4 SAHEL PECHE Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150003 May-Pêche Mohamed O.Ahmed yacoub Tél:45745 922 Fax:45745 038 BP:638 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150098 Ets Mohamed Ould Batta Mohamed O. Batta Tél:22364953 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150031 Faro farine Mohamed Vall Ould Hamza Tel : (222) 22 36 18 40 Bountiya N° 08 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150029 Socopêche Zone Industrielle EL MINA, Nouakchott Mauritanie Tél: 00222 45251154/22481900 BP : 30017 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150033 Smef Mohamed O. Abdel Vetah Tél:45745 975/5745 633 Fax:45745 963 BP:19 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150037 Soma 11 EL KHAIR PECHE Abdallahi Ould Ely Tél: 45749509 Fax: 45749509 BP:512 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150046 Ets Ahmeda Ould Dahi Ahmada O. Dahi Tél:45745878 Fax:45745666 BP:338 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150004 Valor Fish Moustapha Ould Sidi Mohamed Tèl :22293375 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150005 RIM FISH MEAL Ahmedou Taleb Ahmed Tél. : 2218 28 58/45746018 Fax : 45746 202 BP : 431 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150040 Somascir Frigo Mohamed El Hafedh O. Ahmedou Tél:45745013/5745494 Fax:45745786 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150073 Sipeco Oumar O. El Hadj Tél:45745 086/45745 766 Fax:45745 786 BP:150 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150100 Cofrima Oumar O. El Hadj Tél:45745 086/45745 766 Fax:45745 786 BP:150 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150101 Mayo Fish N°08Plage des pêcheurs, Nouakchott -Tél: 00222 25030950 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150041 IGP Sarl Plage des pêcheurs, Nouakchott Mauritanie Tél : 00222 45744999/22371906 46491906 Fax : 00222 45744992 BP: 142 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150074 PCA PCA Mohamed O.Chreif Tél:45745 533 Fax:45746 383 BP:50/BP:193 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150075 ISMAIL 1 Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150103 CPAA Abbas Boughourbal Tél:45745 783 Fax:45745 046 BP:238 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150021 Burma pêche 3 (Burma Pêche) SIDI O.Taya Tél:45745 719 Fax:45745 347/45745 872 BP:183 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150023 I.N.K. Sarl Mohamed Ould Mohamed Ely Tél:45746134 Fax:45749348 BP:1214 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150043 Omaurici Aziz Boughourball Tél. : 3630 02 07 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150045 Maurispan Checrad O. Mohamed Tél: 22308381 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150044 ARMACHIP 1 ARMACHIP sa Cheikhani O. Amar Tél:45745 306 Fax:45746 748 email : BP:195 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150077 Ismail 3 (MCP) Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150078 Kamour 2 MAURIPECHE SARL HAFED O. VAL EL KHAIR TEL : 22060105 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150080 Iwik Industries Plage des pêcheurs, Nouakchott Mauritanie Tél : 00222 22302847/22302852 BP : 787 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150102 Friad Moustapha Ould Sidi Mohamed Tèl :22293375 BP:160 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150024 Siniya 4 MFC CO SA Khalil O.Oumar Tél:45747 479 Fax:45749 936 BP:1175 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150027 BABEL KHAIR 5 COPEMAC Mohamed Ould Lahah Tél:45745 713/45745 102 F : 45745 714 Fax: 45745 714 BP:278 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150026 Siniya 2 MFC CO SA Khalil O.Oumar Tél:45747 479 Fax:45749 936 BP:1175 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150028 SAHEL PECHE Mohamed Vall O. Mohamed Mahmoud Tél:22445838 Fax:25040916 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150076 Burmapêche 5 (Burma Pêche) ELY O.TOLBA Tél:45745 287 Fax:45745 287 BP:292 MACCOP 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150079 ATLANTIC FISHING Plage des pêcheurs, Nouakchott Mauritanie BP : 712 E-mail : 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022
9478150030 Ismail 9 (MCP) Yahefdou O.Brahim Tél:45745 929/45745 937 Fax4:5745 163 BP:404 毛里塔尼亚 Inactive 2022

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