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China GACC Registration
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List of China GACC Approved Oversea Exporter
(GACC-2-1 Type Registration of General Oversea Exporter) 


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On 13 August 2024, GACC (General Administration of Customs of China) issued Announcement No. 105 of 2024, ‘ Announcement on Matters Relating to the Filing Function of Importers and Exporters of Imported Foods’,

GACC No. 105 Announcement state that the Former AQSIQ 11-digits registration number of overseas exporters of imported foods will be abolished on 5 September 2024; GACC will issue New 18-digits registration number for overseas exporters of imported foods, which will be used for China Customs clearance process.

Overseas exporters need to updade old 11-digits AQSIQ registration number to new 18-digits GACC registration number  ASAP to avoid affecting their products exported to China!

According to Announcement No. 105, the GACC registration for foreign exporters has to be applied through a CRA (Chinese Representative Agency).
GACC-1 Overseas Producers          GACC-2-1 Overseas Exporters         GACC-3-1 Chinese Importers    AQSIQ Overseas Producers (Abolished in 2018)
NOTE:Only with GACC-2-1 type general exporter registration number, can't export to China,
Both producers and products must have GACC registration numbers too, with these 3 type GACC registrations, then can export to China.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
GACC Registration Number Registration Types Company Name Country Issued Year Inactive Date Status Update to
40423000035 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Tensenses Africa (EPZ) Limited 肯尼亚(Kenya) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
07623000220 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. EVERFORD INVESTMENT BRAZIL LTDA 巴西(Brazil) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
84023000705 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Moziby LLC 美国(United States) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
52823000100 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Cooperatieve Zuivelonderneming CONO B.A. 荷兰(Nether lands) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55423000175 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Binxi Foods NZ Limited 新西兰(New Zealand) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
23123000054 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ENZATE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PLC 埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36423000095 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. TAAVONI MARZNASHINAN NAKHLE TAQI 伊朗(Iran) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
27619000050 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. PRINZ VON HESSEN Weinhaus GmbH & Co KG 德国(Germany) 2019 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
39823000366 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. VOSTOKSELKHOZPRODUCT LLP 哈萨克斯坦(Kazakhstan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38023000651 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LALU AZIENDA AGRICOLA 意大利(Italy) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38012001824 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZIENDA VINICOLA GALIGA 意大利(Italy) 2012 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64323000591 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. OOO TZK EXPO 俄罗斯(Russia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
84023000702 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Amazon Export Sales LLC 美国(United States) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
86023000082 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. HONG SHENG FAZHON YOU XIAN GONGSI 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38023000091 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BRAZZALE S.P.A 意大利(Italy) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
52823000099 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Coöperatieve Zuivelonderneming CONO B.A. 荷兰(Nether lands) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78423000129 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. hiynur trading fz llc 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
58623000093 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. shahzad and co. 巴基斯坦(Pakistan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
11223000064 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LLC VR-Holtz 白俄罗斯(Belarus) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55423000172 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Negociants New Zealand Ltd 新西兰(New Zealand) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36423000091 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BAZARGANI BAMDAD JAHAN PASARGAD 伊朗(Iran) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
70423000672 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. FRESH AND FROZEN FOOD VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED 越南(Viet Nam) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
76423000387 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. YANGZHOU ORGANIC COMPANY LIMITED CO.,LTD. 泰国(Thailand) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
41023000536 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. NAMYANG FROZEN FOODS CO.,LTD. 韩国(Korea, Republic of) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64323000579 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "TULSKIY ZAVOD RASTITELNYKH MASEL" 俄罗斯(Russia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
52823000098 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Grozette B.V. 荷兰(Nether lands) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
34423001461 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. HK ZHIZHEN TANG BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE CO.,LIMITED 中国香港(Hong Kong(CHINA)) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
39223000629 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AizawaShokusan Company Limited 日本(Japan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38012001234 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. GREEN DISTRIBUZIONE 意大利(Italy) 2012 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
41023000533 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Fritz Coffee Company 韩国(Korea, Republic of) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38023000640 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Gruppo Martellozzo Srl 意大利(Italy) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
61623000048 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. VERTOGRAD JUICE SP. Z O.O. 波兰(Poland) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55423000169 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ALPHA CONSTRUCTION NZ LIMITED 新西兰(New Zealand) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
25023000815 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. BZ PULSES 法国(France) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64223000011 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AGROZOOTEHNICA PIETROIU SA 罗马尼亚(Romania) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
27623000329 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AachenerPrintenundSchokoladenfabrikHenryLambertzGmbHCoKG 德国(Germany) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
03123000012 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. AZGRANATA LLC 阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
36423000089 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Tolidi bazargani pishro sanat mobtakeran aida kar 伊朗(Iran) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
34423001438 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. SWITZERLAND YAVANNA (HONG KONG) INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC CO., LIMITED 中国香港(Hong Kong(CHINA)) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
00423000007 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Zamari Gayanwal 阿富汗(Afghanistan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
78423000125 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Zen Global DMCC 阿联酋(United Arab Emirates) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
27622000071 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Dietrich Borggreve Zwieback- und Keksfabrik KG 德国(Germany) 2022 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
38023000632 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. Az. Agr. Begali Lorenzo 意大利(Italy) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
64323000566 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. OOO 《ZABAGROTORG》 俄罗斯(Russia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
84023000679 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. GONZAGUE & CLAIRE LURTON VINEYARDS.INC 美国(United States) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
55417000184 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. FINCA NEW ZEALAND LIMITED 新西兰(New Zealand) 2017 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
26823000040 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. CHATEAU MUKUZANI LLC 格鲁吉亚(Georgia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
39823000352 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. «BIZ TURK INTERNATIONAL LLC» 哈萨克斯坦(Kazakhstan) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
10423000125 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. ZAW ZAW HEIN COMPANY LIMITED. 缅甸(Myanmar) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive
45823000261 GACC-2-1 Exporter Registration No. VITAZYME WELLNESS 马来西亚(Malaysia) 2023 5-Sep-2024 Inactive

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