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China Foods Formula Ingredients Analysis System  

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Section Code Section Name Guide
  Section  01    Milk and dairy product; 乳及乳制品
  Section  02    Fats and oils, and fat emulsions; 脂肪,油和乳化脂肪制品
  Section  03    Frozen drinks; 冷冻饮品
  Section  04    Fruits and vegetables (including roots and tubers), pulses and legumes, mushrooms and fungi, seaweeds, and nuts and seeds; 水果、蔬菜(包括块根类)、豆类、食用菌、藻类、坚果以及籽类等
  Section  05    Cocoa products, chocolate, and chocolate products (including imitations and chocolate substitutes), and candies; 可可制品、巧克力和巧克力制品(包括代可可脂巧克力及制品)以及糖果
  Section  06    Cereals and cereal products, including starches from rice, wheat flour, coarse grains, roots and tubers, legumes, and corn ; 粮食和粮食制品,包括大米、面粉、杂粮、块根植物、豆类和玉米提取的淀粉等
  Section  07    Bakery wares; 焙烤食品
  Section  08    Meat and meat products; 肉及肉制品
  Section  09    Aquatic products (including fish, crustaceans, shellfish, mollusks, and echinode, and their processed products); 水产及其制品(包括鱼类、甲壳类、贝类、软体类、棘皮类等水产及其加工制品等)
  Section  10    Eggs and egg products; 蛋及蛋制品
  Section  11    Sweeteners, including honey; 甜味料,包括蜂蜜
  Section  12    Condiments; 调味品
  Section  13    Foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses; 特殊膳食用食品
  Section  14    Beverages; 饮料类
  Section  15    Alcoholic beverages; 酒类
  Section  16    Other foods; 其他类

Category_Code Category Name    Risk_Tags    Guide
      Meat; 肉类 High. .
      Aquatic Products And Preserved Aquatic Products; 水产及制品类 High. .
      Dairy Products; 乳制品类 High. .
      Bird Nest Products; 燕窝产品类 High. .
      Pelagic Fishery ** ; 境外远洋捕捞 High. .
      Meat And Meat Products; 肉类 High. .
      Dairy Products(Except Infant Formula Dairy Product ); 乳制品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外) High. .
      Fish And Fishery Products; 水产品 High. .
      Cubilose; 燕窝 High. .
      Infant Formula Dairy Products; 婴幼儿配方乳品 High. .
      Bird Nests And Bird Nest Products; 燕窝与燕窝制品 High. .
      Dairy Products; 乳品 High. .
      Aquatic Products; 水产品 High. .
      Meat And Meat Products; 肉与肉制品 High. .
      Infant formula milk products; 婴幼儿配方乳品 High. 5.
      Fish; 鱼类 High. .
      Crustacean; 甲壳类 High. .
      Mollusca; 软体类 High. .
      Echinoderm; 棘皮类 High. .
      Jellyfish; 水母类 High. .
      Aquatic Plant; 水生植物类 High. .
      Others; 其他类 High. .
      Pasteurized milk **; 巴氏杀菌乳 High. .
      Sterilized milk **; 灭菌乳 High. .
      Modified milk **; 调制乳 High. .
      other disinfection milk **; 其他消毒乳 High. .
      Fermented milk **; 发酵乳 High. .
      Flavored fermented milk **; 发酵风味乳 High. .
      milk powder ; 乳粉 High. .
      whole milk powder ; 全脂乳粉 High. .
      partly skimmed milk powder ; 部分脱脂乳粉 High. .
      sweetened milk powder ; 全脂加糖乳粉 High. .
      skimmed milk powder ; 脱脂乳粉 High. .
      flavoured milk powder ; 调味乳粉 High. .
      formula milk powder ; 配方乳粉 High. .
      fortified formula milk powder ; 营养强化配方乳粉 High. .
      other milk powder ; 其他乳粉 High. .
      butter ; 黄油 High. .
      cream ; 稀奶油 High. .
      other milkfat ; 其他奶油 High. .
      condensed milk ; 炼乳 High. .
      sweetened condensed milk ; 加糖炼乳 High. .
      evaporated milk ; 无糖炼乳 High. .
      other condensed milk ; 其他炼乳 High. .
      cheese ; 干酪 High. .
      hard cheese ; 硬质干酪 High. .
      other cheese ; 其他奶酪 High. .
      demineralized whey powder ; 脱盐乳清粉 High. .
      whey powder ; 乳清粉 High. .
      whey protein concentrate ; 乳清浓缩蛋白粉 High. .
      other whey powder ; 其他乳清粉 High. .
      other milk and milk product ; 其他乳与乳制品 High. .
      infant formula milk powder **; 婴幼儿配方乳粉 High. .
      infant formula liquid milk **; 婴幼儿配方液态乳 High. .
      Raw Clean Edible Birdnest; 食用燕窝 High. .
      Edible Birdnest Products (Bottled Bird Nest Beverage); 燕窝制品(瓶装燕窝饮料) High. .
      HS 1601: Sausages and similar, of meat, offal or blood: Food preparations; 肉、内脏或血制的香肠及类似品:食品制剂 High. .
      HS 1602: Other prepared or preserved meat, offal or blood; 其他加工或腌制的肉、内脏或血 High. .
      HS 0201: Bovine animals: Fresh or chilled; 牛类动物:新鲜或冷藏 High. .
      HS 0202: Bovine animals: Frozen; 牛类动物:冷冻 High. .
      HS 0203: Swine: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 猪:新鲜、冷藏或冷冻 High. .
      HS 0204: Meat of sheep or goats: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 绵羊或山羊肉:新鲜、冷藏或冷冻 High. .
      HS 0205: Meat of horses, asses, mules and hinnies: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 马肉、驴肉、骡肉和驴肉:新鲜、冷藏或冷冻 High. .
      HS 0208: Other meat and edible offal: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 其他肉类和食用内脏:新鲜、冷藏或冷冻 High. .
      HS 0210: Meat and meat offal that are salted, in brine, dried or smoked; 腌制、盐水、干燥或熏制的肉类和内脏 High. .
      HS 0206: Offal of bovine, swine, goats, sheep, horses, mules, hinnies or asses: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 牛,猪,山羊,绵羊,马,骡,驴或驴的内脏:新鲜,冷藏或冷冻 High. .
      HS 0207: Meat and edible offal of poultry: Fresh, chilled or frozen; 家禽肉类和可食用内脏:新鲜、冷藏或冷冻 High. .